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Entrepreneurs are rockets.


We just offer them

a boost.

​Here at Launch Lab,

we've got sky’s-the-limit optimism

about the innovative future of business and community in Dearborn, Michigan.


We're a new agile business incubator on a mission to inspire, connect, and foster a new generation of dreamers, entrepreneurs, and creatives to drive the economic and cultural comeback in our city and region. Whether you're an entrepreneur, developer, engaged resident or visitor - we're here to help from liftoff to stratosphere.


Swing into one of our downtown welcome centers or drop us a line. Either way, you'll find a team excited to listen to your story and connect you to the resources and people who can help you launch from idea to open and beyond.



Want to learn more about Launch Lab?

>> read the Launch Lab Factsheet



What is Launch Lab,



We like to say we're THREE things:


a welcoming center in the heart of downtown Dearborn open to any entrepreneur who walks through our door


on-ramp to help you navigate the robust entrepreneurial ecosystem in Dearborn + Metro Detroit


a connecting hub and innovation launcher - we design collaboration between everyone under the sun and offer programs & events to help entrepreneurs succeed. 






We want to hear from you! 

Drop us a line!

FB: Launch Lab Dearborn |  313-500-8679

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